We live in a world filled with personal, community, and world conflict where sometimes it is difficult to cope or be hopeful, but we can continue to learn from the work of Fred Rogers and follow his example. Fred’s peacemaking sensibilities both on and off camera can inform our lives today. He practiced deep listening, deep thinking, and deep understanding. He modeled building neighborhoods of compassion and peace through the Neighborhood of Make Believe on his TV show, by testifying before Congress and through curriculum like Peacemaking in the Family: Four Intergenerational Events, originally written with the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program in the 1980s and available free for download.
Author Michael Long, in his book “Peaceful Neighbor: Rediscovering the Counter Cultural Mister Rogers,” says “peace is possible, according to Rogers, first because each of us is equipped with a powerful moral imagination — the ability to see goodness in moments of crisis and danger. As Mister Rogers puts this in his concluding monologue, ‘You see, people can imagine bad things, hurtful things, angry war-like things, but people can also imagine good things, helpful things, happy peaceful things.’ … Peace is possible because we are actors, not passive victims, who can always choose to create the peace we have envisioned.” So, let’s find ways to choose peace and build neighborhoods of compassion.
You can find a wealth of resources to celebrate the legacy of Fred Rogers, engage in Peacemaking, and be neighborly here. There are a variety of materials to use in different contexts and settings for March 20 or any day during the year a faith community chooses to celebrate. Resources include Walking in God’s Path of Peace: Intergenerational worship liturgy, the hymn “Jesus Teach Us to Be Neighbors,” a coloring page, the Building a Neighborhood Together Intergenerational Peacemaking Project, and Neighboring Sunday activities.Miatta Wilson, Mission Associate, Office of Christian Formation, Interim Unified Agency pcusa.org/formation
Let us join in prayer for:
- Kyna Herzinger, Records Manager, Presbyterian Historical Society
- Marquis Hill, Housekeeper, Stony Point Center, Interim Unified Agency
Let us pray:
Gracious and Loving God, come near and be with us today and help us to look for ways to be a neighbor, to share love and to build peace. Come near, and be with those who are suffering in homes, communities, and around the world where violence is present and persistent. Come near and be with the peacebuilders and those finding ways to show your love in both difficult and ordinary situations. Amen.
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