Sunday, March 16, 2025

Minute for Mission: Self-Development of People

United Workers project. (provided)
Baltimore-based United Workers Association (UWA) is a human rights organization led by low-wage workers fighting to secure freedom from poverty and other human rights. Baltimore’s Inner Harbor has an area of great economic wealth and prosperity due to tourism but is surrounded by severe poverty throughout the inner city. The businesses in and around the harbor employ low-wage workers and have systematically kept their wages low and the working conditions poor. The primary goal of this project is to improve working conditions through organizing and education. With a $20,000 grant from National Self-Development of People, the 500+ low-wage worker’s organization initiated a project focused on raising the minimum wage of day laborers and changing the perception that day laborers are lazy, drug addicted, or panhandlers.

Some of UWA’s victories include an increase in wages from less than the minimum wage at the time to $13 an hour. Workers took the lead in organizing with fellow workers to secure a union contract. As one project member has shared “everyone is worthy of dignity and respect.”

Matthew 25:31–46 reminds us “Just as you did it to one of the least of these … you did it to me.” The Bible is particularly concerned about “the least of these.” God walks alongside the poor and disenfranchised in their human struggles and invites you to do likewise.

United Workers project. (provided)
We will soon celebrate Self-Development of People Sunday, and through our SDOP Sunday Resource and Yearbook we interpret and promote our work and help you to do the same in preparation for the collection of the One Great Hour of Sharing offering on Easter Sunday. SDOP is one of the recipients of this offering.

Offered yearly and used throughout the year, the SDOP Sunday Resource and Yearbook lifts up stories of community building, self-reliance, and hope — stories of God in action. It also provides hymns, sermons, liturgical suggestions, and ways to access other free and helpful SDOP resources that are available to you and your congregation.

Margaret Mwale; Associate for Community Development and Constituent Relations, Self-Development of People, Interim Unified Agency

Let us join in prayer for:

  • Josh Heikkila, Mission co-worker serving in Ghana, Interim Unified Agency
  • David Heilman, Director, Enterprise Applications, Information Technology, Board of Pensions  

Let us pray:

Gracious God, we pray for communities where there is poverty and injustice, we pray for the oppressed and the disadvantaged that they may find help in their time of need. We ask that you help us in extending compassion and justice to those in need. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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