Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Voice of the Martyrs - Fierce opposition to the gospel in Eritrea

Man praying with outstretched arms
Provide help for imprisoned Christians and their families in Eritrea!
Eritrea’s totalitarian regime specifically targets Christians and often imprisons them indefinitely.

VOM contacts in Eritrea have reported police raids on church meetings. Christians who dare to ignore government warnings and gather with other believers are taken to prison.

Not long ago, 17 Christians were arrested for gathering to pray. Then, a week later, 25 more believers were arrested. And this time the news was even more heart-rending: Eight of those arrested were children.

Today, almost 400 Eritrean believers are being held without charge in prisons, underground cells or metal shipping containers.

This is an urgent need. Please stand with our brothers and sisters in Christ now. VOM has pledged $280,000 to support Eritrea’s persecuted Christians, including Christians currently in prison. How can you help?


Your online gift will help these Christians with food, medicine, clothing and pastoral care.

Your gift will also help

  • support Christians who have been released after serving years in prison. They have been blacklisted by the government and cannot get jobs in order to provide for their families.
  • provide for Christians who fled Eritrea. They are now refugees in Ethiopia, where they need help to start life over.
  • empower and equip Christian ministers boldly working in Eritrea to advance the gospel in this closed African country.

Please give as generously as you can. Your support is needed and valued, and it will make a difference for our brothers and sisters in Eritrea. Thank you.


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