Friday, September 29, 2023

The Voice of the Martyrs - "I love this podcast so much! Every time I listen, I pray." poster
“Convicting and Wonderful”
Thousands of listeners are blessed each week by VOM Radio, which shares inspiring testimonies from persecuted Christians on broadcast radio and via podcast. Here’s a sampling of recent listener reviews posted on Apple Podcasts, where 96% of reviewers give VOM Radio a 5-star rating:

“I love this podcast so much! … Every time I listen, I pray.”

“It is convicting and wonderful to be reminded of … the lives of our Christian brothers and sisters. To be reminded of our call as Christians to share the gospel, to pick up our cross and follow Christ … helps me keep it all in perspective.”

“If you have a heart for our persecuted brothers and sisters, this podcast will be a blessing. And a challenge! They cover the globe. … Your heart will be moved and your prayer life expanded!”
—“MAE1966” (5-STAR REVIEW)

“Love the practical ways given to pray for our brothers and sisters and those who persecute them.”

If you haven’t listened to VOM Radio, select the buttons below to find out why it’s a blessing to so many. And if you already listen regularly, please forward this email to a Christian friend.

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New to VOM Radio? Start here.
If you’ve never listened to VOM Radio or want to share it with a friend who’ll be encouraged by stories of God’s faithfulness to our persecuted Christian family, here are six conversations to serve as inspiring introductions.

  • John and Karen Short — They stayed spiritually connected when John was detained in North Korea.
  • Martyrs’ Sons — Ezra and Saul Pett struggled with their faith after their parents were killed in Uganda.
  • Amber — Imprisoned in Tibet
  • Richard and Jeanette — After Richard was detained by Chinese police, the whole family was kicked out of China. They found blessings in suffering.
  • Silas — Amazed when he saw Jesus speaking his language on the television.

VOM app poster
Share by EmailPlease forward this email to Christian friends who will be inspired to pray for and support our persecuted Christian family.
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VOM AppVOM Radio is also available via the VOM App for your smartphone or tablet. The app gives you access to daily prayer requests, books, videos and other VOM resources.

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