Friday, September 15, 2023

Presbyterian Communicators Network - Check out these helpful Facebook tips


Welcome, PC(USA) Communicator! Check out this month’s newsletter for information on upcoming events and the best tips, tricks and strategies for being a more effective communicator. 

Download the Being Matthew 25 App!

Looking for a new way to engage with the Matthew 25 vision? The Matthew 25 app is designed to inspire ideas, foster connections across the church and community, and provide you with the resources you need to actively engage in the world. Download the app and start transforming your community!

_Being Matthew 25 app (1) - Copy

The social media Word of the Month is...

CN July Newsletter (1)

Analytics measure your performance on social media to help you understand which types of social media content best resonate with your audience so you can shape and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Helpful Facebook tips just for you!

If you’re taking steps to incorporate social media into your communications plan, it’s important to know the do’s and don’ts of each platform. Take a look at these tips to help you succeed on Facebook.


You can find more tips on social media best practices on the Communicators Network webpage.

Communicators Network Sep. Newsletter

Are you a member of the Communicators Network Facebook Group?

The Communicators Network Facebook Group provides a safe space for collaboration and conversation among Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) church communicators and leaders on effective communication tools and strategies.


Start discussions, find answers to your communication-related questions, and connect with other communicators today! 

(Plus, you’ll have full access to our entire library of tech tutorials!)


Matthew 25 Summit — Jan. 16–18, 2024, in Atlanta

Join us at the Matthew 25 Summit as we explore this vision together! What does it mean to eradicate poverty; how can we begin dismantling systemic racism; how will we know if we are building a vital congregation? We are offering you an invitation to innovation. A chance to dialogue, learn with and grow with others in exploration at this first-of-its-kind event! Featuring innovative speakers, thriving ministries, transformative workshops and space to imagine what’s next!


Presbyterian Mission Agency, 100 Witherspoon Street, Lousiville, KY

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Mission Yearbook: Daring to say — and play — the ‘G’ word

APCE Annual Event workshop participants play “Reverse Pyramid Build.” From left are the Rev. Dr. Susan Sharp Campbell, associate for Educati...