Sunday, March 14, 2021

Minute for Mission: Self-Development of People

March 14, 2021

“Necessity is the mother of invention” is a term that we often hear when talking about those who have become successful in their endeavors. There is no doubt that the yearning to resolve difficult situations inspires ingenious solutions! Les Brown, a motivational speaker who overcame overwhelming odds of poverty and family tragedies, says, “you gotta be hungry, and when you are hungry, it is necessary, and when it is necessary, you understand and believe it is possible!”

The Radicle Productions Technology Co-Op project in Detroit was developed due to the collaborative efforts of diverse young people who brainstormed to develop the project, with the primary goal of making money to help support their families and thus improve their standard of living. The Detroit Presbytery Self-Development of People Committee partnered with the project by awarding it a grant, thanks to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering.

The Radicle Productions Technology Co-Op project has helped project members and elderly community residents overcome challenges with using cellphones, tablets and computers, helped create business and improve websites. Like most projects, they are learning through trial and error but also using past experience where they can. The group’s experience has helped project members realize that they are passionate about video production and they have realized that there is money to be made, while helping address the need to help themselves as well as other community residents, including local artists, families and others document a film and spotlight the many rich and diverse activities in the area. The group is also learning about wedding videography.

While group members have been successful with teaching themselves, they have also received volunteer technical assistance. Project members, however, realize that they need additional extensive training if they are to further develop their project. They now find themselves at a point where they will need financial resources for improved equipment and more extensive trainings to fine-tune their skills.

Radicle Productions Technology Co-Op is hungry for success, and knows that it is possible to be successful, and that it is necessary work to help support themselves and their families to overcome poverty.

The work of Self Development of People is a vital community asset! The Radical Productions Co-Op is just one of many projects that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), through Self-Development of People, has partnered with through the years and assisted to further develop and thrive.

Sharon Oglesby, Chair, Detroit Presbytery Self-Development of People Committee
Miguel Pope, Member, Detroit Presbytery Self -Development of People Committee

Let us join in prayer for: 

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Cecilia Figliuolo, Office of the General Assembly
Tina Peters, Administrative Services Group (A Corp)

Let us pray:

Majesty on high, may your love and compassion flow through us and to those around us. Give us the compassion and empathy we need to understand what those in our community are going through. Help us to serve them well. Help us not to judge or condemn, but rather come alongside them to offer support and to be your hands and feet. Amen.

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