Tuesday, March 2, 2021

News from Presbyterian World Mission – February 2021

Mission Matters

The Rev. Jed Hawkes Koball, a mission co-worker with his wife, Jenny Valles, in Peru, writes about the important Matthew 25 work of dismantling structural racism.

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Presbyterian Church in Congo reimagines caring for vulnerable children

Serge, a young boy in Congo, was accused of being a sorcerer and forced to live on the street. Now he is learning masonry skills through a church-sponsored program for vulnerable children. (Photo by the Rev. André Manyayi)

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Matthew 25 Church
Announcing the World Mission matching challenge for Spring 2021

Every day, mission co-workers like Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez Carrasco in the Philippines work to share the Word of God and the peace of Christ in some of the most troubled and desperate places on the planet. Your gift to Presbyterian World Mission will allow them to continue to promote social justice and solidarity against the ever-worsening human rights situation where they live and serve. And when you make your gift by Easter Sunday, April 4, you will double its life-changing impact thanks to a special group of our committed donors who has pledged to match all gifts for mission personnel support, up to $44,760. Thank you for your support of all our mission co-workers as, powered by your caring support, we live into being a Matthew 25 denomination.

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Everyday God-Talk features mission co-workers in Korea

Hyeyoung Lee and the Rev. Kurt Esslinger have lived and worked as PC(USA) mission co-workers in Korea since 2013. They recently shared more about their ministry on Everyday God-Talk, an online resource of the Office of Theology and Worship hosted by So Jung Kim, associate for theology in the Presbyterian Mission Agency.

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A year of online service has taken many forms

For the first time in the nearly 30-year history of the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program, the COVID-19 global pandemic forced the program to be a virtual during 2020–21.

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Matthew 25 Church
Sunday at the border

On a cool Sunday evening in Arizona, mission co-workers Miriam Maldonado Escobar and the Rev. Mark Adams (red hood) gathered with group of Christians on the border between Agua Prieta, Mexico, and Douglas, Arizona, for a prayer pilgrimage in solidarity with the "Not Another Foot" movement to call for an end to the massive border wall spanning the entire Southern border of the United States. (Photo by Jenea Sanchez)

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Global partners
working to help
Mediterranean refugees

On Oct. 3, 2013, the world watched in horror as photos emerged of a boat full of migrants from the horn of Africa, seeking refuge on the Italian island of Lampedusa, sank, killing more than 350 people. (Photo by Kathy Melvin)

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Young Adult Volunteer alumna leads two Presbyterian churches in rural Montana

As her college graduation approached, Maggie Lewis remembers feeling that God was calling her to be a missionary in Africa. She didn’t know exactly how to make that happen, so she decided to do some research. (Photo by Nancy Lewis)

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Looking back
generations to see
the path forward

Accepting a first call to ministry and moving during a pandemic may not be ideal, but one thing is certain: The Rev. Katheryn McGinnis is following in the footsteps of a long line of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) pastors, including her grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great grandfather and great-great-great grandfather.

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Reminding returning citizens they are ‘holy and beloved’ children of God

The Rev. Riley Pickett, a Young Adult Volunteer alumna, is reentry pastor of Hagar’s Community Church, a 1001 New Worshiping Community inside the largest women’s prison in the state of Washington. Pickett, a YAV in New Orleans in 2016–17, assists women being released from the WCCW.

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‘To go or not to go’

COVID-19 has changed the way congregations and presbyteries are participating in mission. Before you plan your next mission or service trip, consider whether or not you should go during the pandemic. This resource provides a few guiding questions about trips and some alternatives to consider.

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Matthew 25 Church
Matthew 25 – A bold vision and invitation

We recognize Christ’s urgent call to be a church of action, where God’s love, justice and mercy shine forth and are contagious. Over 680 churches and mid councils have accepted the Matthew 25 invitation to help our denomination become a more relevant presence in the world by building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.

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In Remembrance
  • The Rev. Durwood "Woody" Busse (Iran, Pakistan, Central Asia)
    Dates of service: 1985–2005 (2/7/2021)
  • Ross Kinsler (Guatemala, Costa Rica)
    Dates of service: 1963–2001 (12/9/2020)
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Minute for Mission: World Day of Prayer

“Wonderfully Made,” created by Tarani Napa and Tevairangi Napa, a mother-daughter artist team from the Cook Islands. World Day of Prayer is ...