Wednesday, July 29, 2020

News from Presbyterian World Mission – July 2020

Mission Matters
The Rev. Philip Woods, associate director for Strategy, Program and Recruitment with Presbyterian World Mission, writes about this groundbreaking time in mission and ministry. (Getty Images)
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Matthew 25 Church
Matthew 25: Dismantling Racism
The three focuses of the Matthew 25 vision are to build congregational vitality, eradicate systemic poverty and dismantle structural racism. In view of the current unrest and protest in our nation, the call to be a Matthew 25 church is more compelling than ever. This may very well be one of the first ways that churches can take steps to bring about racial justice. All Matthew 25 churches are invited to join our next online gathering, July 29 at 2 p.m. Eastern Time, via Zoom. Mid council leaders will share how they are using Matthew 25 to impact their ministries and communities, and lead in the challenge to do something every day to raise awareness about the perniciousness of racism to encourage action in response to that awareness.
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COVID-19 shows the need to answer the Matthew 25 invitation
As Tracey King-Ortega recently reflected on Scripture and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, she realized that COVID-19 is like an X-ray that has exposed the most vulnerable in every part of the world and brought into stark relief the importance of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Matthew 25 invitation. (Photo by Valdir França)
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Finding a new normal during a global pandemic
During this pandemic, we have an opportunity to learn a bit more, as a nation and as a global community, about trauma, grief and healing.
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The border as a place of encounter
The border is not just a physical place. When you open your heart to it, it’s a place of encounter. That was the challenge offered to Zoom participants in a recent "Coffee and Conversations" webinar hosted by mission co-workers the Rev. Mark Adams and Miriam Maldonado, serving with Frontera de Cristo, a Presbyterian border ministry located in the sister cities of Agua Prieta, Mexico, and Douglas, Arizona. (Photo by Mark Adams)
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Matthew 25 Church
Support mission co-workers
Across the street and across the globe, Presbyterians everywhere are discovering new unity and a renewed identity around the Matthew 25 vision, which is helping the PC(USA) to become a more relevant presence in the world. In South Korea, Presbyterian mission co-workers Kurt Esslinger and Hyeyoung Lee live and love in solidarity with their Christian siblings every day as they walk alongside Koreans in their movement for peace and reunification. In today’s world — where people feel more divided and isolated than ever in the face of COVID-19 — your gifts to Presbyterian World Mission will help to ensure that mission co-workers like Kurt and Hyeyoung are able to continue to bring God’s healing power and Christ’s gift of reconciliation to a broken world. Thank you for your faithful prayers and your continued generosity as we walk and work together.
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Mission co-workers emerge from quarantine in Lima, Peru
"Three months ago, I might have laughed at others going to such extremes (apart from the fact that the hospitals needed the equipment), but today this is how I suit up to go to the grocery store. God bless medical workers who wear this all day every day," said Jed Koball, a mission co-worker in Peru. (Photo by Jenny Koball)
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‘God is always doing something new ahead of us’
The Rev. Sharon Bryant works alongside the Church of Christ in Thailand to coordinate the Christian Volunteers in Thailand (CVT) program, which will celebrate 60 years in 2021. Sharon recently shared about the CVT program during an "Everyday God-Talk" segment, hosted by the PC(USA)’s Office of Theology and Worship.

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Download the 2020–21 Mission Personnel Guide
The new 2020–21 "Called to Service: Witnessing God’s Love Around the World" Mission Personnel Guide is available now!
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‘To go or not to go’
COVID-19 has changed the way congregations and presbyteries are participating in mission. Before you plan your next mission or service trip, consider whether or not you should go during the pandemic. This resource provides a few guiding questions about trips and some alternatives to consider.
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New partnership offers online Matthew 25 curriculum
Stony Point Center and Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary are teaming up with the Presbyterian Mission Agency to launch an online course supporting the Matthew 25 Vision. Space is limited, so register now for the first course — "Awakening to Structural Racism" — which begins on Monday, Aug. 10.
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Matthew 25 Church
Matthew 25-Actively engaged in the world
The Matthew 25 invitation was officially launched in April of 2019. Over a year later there are over 600 churches, groups and mid councils that have made the commitment to become a Matthew 25 church and work towards building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.
Explore our bold vision →
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Presbyterian Mission, an agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
100 Witherspoon Street Louisville, KY 40202
800-728-7228 | 502-569-5000

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Today in the Mission Yearbook - America’s Presbyterian past, present and future

A visiting tour group from the Point Pleasant (N.J.) Presbyterian Church. (Contributed photo) For Eileen Lindner — a longtime Presbyterian C...