Thursday, July 9, 2020

New Church New Way July 2020

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My head is spinning with all that is happening in our world. I am longing for the Spirit of God to breathe peace over the chaos and order everything that is in disarray. This is not a desperate desire to go back to things as they were. We all know that’s not going to happen, and we don’t want it to. My hope is for a new order, a holy logic, that redeems the pain and suffering we are experiencing as people and planet. And I am without a doubt seeing glimpses of the world and the church that is growing from this moment and mess. This month’s newsletter indeed bears witness to a new church in a new way. Read on to hear about the newest communities funded by the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Catch a preview of our latest podcast season. Mark your calendars for our upcoming virtual events.
See! God is doing a new thing right here, right now!
Join us for a Conversation with Father Greg Boyle
The founder of Homeboy Industries, the Los Angeles social enterprise providing critical services and job training to former gang members, Father Greg Boyle will share wisdom and conversation with our community on Wednesday, July 29, at 8 p.m. EDT. This is a free event, but registration is required.
Reserve your spot →
New podcast season focuses on racial injustice, faith
Season five of the "1001" "New Way" season poses tough questions like, "How do we, as people of faith, show up and organize in the relentless chaos of our time? And how do we interrogate privileges that benefit those of us who live in white skin and systematically disenfranchise those who don’t — especially those of us who are Black? Read story here.
Listen to Season 5 →
Nick Pickrell (second from right, organizer of The Open Table KC) has never set foot in a seminary. But after five years co-leading this new worshiping community in Kansas City, Missouri, he’s going through the process of becoming a commissioned ruling elder. Discover how he and other "1001" leaders are "Becoming Presbyterian" through the New Worshiping Communities movement.
Watch now →
‘1001’ communities receive grants
Eight new worshiping communities have received grants to fund ministries in Ghanaian and Hispanic communities, for caregivers, those fighting opioid and other addictions, for ostracized and marginalized groups — and an inclusive faith community an hour outside of the nation’s capital.
Read more →
Upcoming online events
In August, Michael Gehrling — and his all-star team of assessors — will host a Virtual Discerning Missional Leadership assessment event for potential leaders discerning their call to start new churches. And Sean Chow will pilot a Virtual Accelerator for leaders in the early stages of launching a new worshiping community. In October, the ‘1001’ team will host Refresh, a virtual retreat for all new worshiping community leaders. More information on this event and registration will be coming soon.
Matthew 25 Church
Matthew 25-Actively engaged in the world
The Matthew 25 invitation was officially launched in April of 2019. Over a year later there are more than 530 churches, groups and mid councils that have made the commitment to become a Matthew 25 church and work towards building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.
Explore our bold vision →
Support NWC’s
The events of the past six months have been a jarring reminder of how much the world has changed. It’s been a wake-up call for the Church. We have had to catch up quickly, examine our vulnerabilities, reconsider our biases, embrace technology, and respond to the urgent needs around us. This world is not new for our New Worshiping Communities (NWC). They have been engaged with the realities of a diverse, vulnerable, unjust, virtual world since their beginning. One could say that NWC are the leading edge of our Church’s entry into the future. They are testing new approaches that will become the norms of tomorrow. We need more of them trying the ideas that will make all our churches better prepared for the world to come.

To do that we need your financial help. We need to assess and develop more leaders, provide more coaches, offer more training and award more grants. For this we count on you - to give $1,000 or $100 or $25 or more a month. For more information, contact Jon Moore at or 502-612-5026.
Give now →
Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources for Congregations and Members
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Presbyterian Mission, an Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
100 Witherspoon Street Louisville, KY 40202
800-728-7228 | 502-569-5000

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Mission Yearbook: Daring to say — and play — the ‘G’ word

APCE Annual Event workshop participants play “Reverse Pyramid Build.” From left are the Rev. Dr. Susan Sharp Campbell, associate for Educati...