Sunday, May 19, 2024

Minute for Mission: Day of Pentecost

Pentecost Offering

May 19, 2024

I Am Coming to You” (John 14:18)

Do you ever feel — just off? Lost, disconnected or maybe even … a little defeated?

Truth be told, we all feel this way once in a while. Yet we do the best we can to live every day to its fullest, and always with the reality that God’s love, God’s grace, which is the very essence of God, will never leave us.

Pentecost celebrates the renewal of the relationship between God and the community of faith. We know that God continually comes to us and that we will never be forgotten by the God whom we know is here with us in the person of Jesus Christ.

In a world that so desperately needs to hear that God is right here with us, coming to us, and calling us to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God, it is our call as a congregation and as believers to share this Good News with the world.

The Pentecost Offering helps us live this call. Through our giving we are able to tell the story of God, who is always there for us, coming to us. The Offering supports children at risk through the Educate a Child, Transform the World initiative and high schoolers attending the Presbyterian Youth Triennium, which shows them the inescapable loving presence of God. It also enables young adults to share Christ’s light while living in solidarity with those on the margins of society and preparing themselves for a life of service through the Young Adult Volunteers program.  

Today, the birthday of the church, remember that Christ’s continuing hands and feet matters more now than ever. Do your part to be the church through worship, study, or service. And pray that the church continues to be faithful to its calling this day and every day.

Rev. Wilson Kennedy, Associate Director, Special Offerings and Appeals

Today’s Focus: Day of Pentecost

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Carissa Herold, Marketing Associate, Presbyterian Women  
Nell Herring, Mission Specialist II for Volunteer Ministries, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Mission Agency 

Let us pray

God of grace and glory, wing your flight right here. Come to us again like you did in the person of Jesus. Help us be transformational in our ministry, and may our gifts transform the world to be more like your reign of justice, love and peace. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

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