Monday, May 20, 2024

Communicators Network - All about AI

Communicators Network Header

Hey there, PC(USA) communicator! Check out this month’s newsletter for information on upcoming events and the best tips, tricks and strategies for being a more effective communicator.

AI is here to stay…(whether we like it or not)

We know all too well that most social media “teams” are typically a team of one, so it’s no surprise the top motivator for using AI is to reduce staff workload.

But keep in mind that different generations have different levels of trust towards AI-generated content. Before you dip into the world of AI, ask yourself if it’s right for your audience and if it reinforces the kind of page you want to be. If you decide to use AI, consider putting new rules and regulations in place to avoid any mishaps.

May Comms Newsletter (1)

The social media Word of the Month is...

May Comms Newsletter

AI makes a great assistant! It can help you brainstorm, give you a first draft or even finish your sentences…but you still have to run the show. It’s up to you to delegate which aspects of your social media strategy AI can support.

Guidelines for using AI

Did you know the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation has Artificial Intelligence guidelines in place? While these guidelines are a resource for employees of the PC(USA) national office, you may also find them useful.


PCUSA Seal (1)

Are you a member of the Communicators Network Facebook Group?

The Communicators Network Facebook Group provides a safe space for collaboration and conversation among Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) church communicators and leaders on effective communication tools and strategies. Start discussions, find answers to your communication-related questions and connect with other communicators today! (Plus, you’ll have full access to our entire library of tech tutorials!)

Fight poverty not the poor - Matthew 25

Spreading the Vision of Matthew 25 across the Church

The PC(USA) believes that we are called to serve Jesus by contributing to the well-being of the most vulnerable in all societies – rural and urban, small and large, young and not-so-young. From affordable housing to community gardens to equitable educational and employment opportunities to healing from addiction and mental illness to enacting policy change – there is not just one way to be a part of the Matthew 25 movement.


Presbyterian Mission Agency, 100 Witherspoon Street, Lousiville, KY

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