Sunday, August 6, 2023

Minute for Mission: College & Young Adult Sunday

August 6, 2023

Emma Rigler

This is Emma Rigler. Her mom is a Presbyterian pastor. Emma and her siblings grew up in PC(USA) congregations. Her Christian formation has involved Presbyterian church schools, camps, youth events and mission trips.

After high school, Emma attended Austin College (a PC[USA]-related college in Sherman, Texas). She received a Westminster Fellowship — financial aid for Austin College students who are dependents of PC(USA) professionals. She did children’s ministry in a local congregation and was active in the Austin College ACtivators Youth Ministry program. Her senior year, Emma was a Sallie Majors Religious Life Intern.

She graduated from Austin College in 2022 and became a PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer in Albuquerque, New Mexico. For the past year, she has worked with  New Mexico WILD, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection, restoration and continued enjoyment of New Mexico’s wildlands and wilderness areas. When she completes her YAV year, Emma will become the director of Youth Ministry at Trinity Presbyterian Church in McKinney, Texas.

Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well. – 1 Peter 4:10 (CEV)

Throughout its history, the Presbyterian Church has endeavored to invite, encourage, assist and enable college students and other young adults to identify, develop and share their gifts.

College and Young Adult Sunday is a day set aside to lift up College Students and Young Adults.  

Worship resources:  
Young Adult Volunteers:
Supporting college students:
PC(USA)-related colleges:

Let us pray: Generous and Extravagant God, you continue to do new things by blessing college students and young adults with abundant gifts they can share within and beyond your church. Help us support, teach and learn from each other as we all strive together to be instruments of your justice, mercy, reconciliation and peace.

Rev. Dr. John Williams, Chaplain and Director of Church Relations at Austin College

Today’s Focus: College & Young Adult Sunday

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Demetria Hurnton, Business Administrator, Benefits, Board of Pensions
Todd Ingves, Vice President, Health & Well Being, Board of Pensions

Let us pray

Generous and Extravagant God, you continue to do new things by blessing college students and young adults with abundant gifts they can share within and beyond your church. Help us support, teach and learn from each other as we all strive together to be instruments of your justice, mercy, reconciliation and peace.

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