Sunday, November 13, 2022

Minute for Mission: Hunger and Homelessness Sunday

November 13, 2022

Pulses AKB Food Week (Andrew Kang Barlett)

Hunger isn’t just hunger. Food isn’t just calories. The experience of hunger is intimately linked with multiple physical, emotional and spiritual needs as well as with our sense of belonging and value.

Hunger is excruciating, we make no mistake. Extreme hunger has risen around the globe in this pandemic, as wars and violent conflicts rage, and as climate change makes farming harder. People need access to land, water, seeds. They need homes and peaceful communities, a stable environment, equitable markets, and the freedom to pursue education, employment and right livelihoods.

Also, in addition to all of that, hunger is a deeper human need, connected to all parts of life, a yearning to feel seen, cared for, basic needs met because I matter to God and to the world. Food isn’t just calories. Food is camaraderie, community, connection. To people, to earth, to God. The Lord’s supper is earth elements (wheat and grape), combined with people’s labor (making it bread and drink), and God blessing it all to be a sacrament. This communion showed up when Jesus shared food with Mary and Martha, broke bread at the last supper, ate fish on the beach after resurrection.

Cash Bail March (Randy Hobson)

Hunger is hunger but it’s also disconnection, isolation, fear, longing. Because hunger isn’t just hunger, and the answer isn’t only food, we know the path is more complicated than we’d like. Yes, we can provide food. Yes, we can write letters and advocate for policy change. Yes, we can organize around solutions and provide training and access.

And, also, let us not forget that we are called also to see Christ in those around us. Matthew 25 asks “when did we see you, Lord?” and the response is: Christ is here, visible, in those who are hungry, those who are without homes, those who are alone. Do we treat people with the dignity and respect, the way we would if we were seeing Christ?

Solving the real brokenness of hunger in our world includes truly seeing people, valuing them. Then trying to do whatever is in our power, however small, to challenge and change the systems that create and maintain inequity. Your gift may be listening to and working alongside people who experience the brokenness in our food systems or in the lack of affordable, safe housing for all. Together, we work to make the world a place without any kind of hunger — physical, emotional, spiritual — and where all can have a home and a sense of belonging.

Rev. Rebecca Barnes, Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
So Jung Kim, Associate, Theology, Theology & Worship, Presbyterian Mission Agency
Shawn Kang, Associate, Central & West Regions, 1001 New Worshiping Communities, Presbyterian Mission Agency

Let us pray

Dear God, we find our home in you and our hunger satiated in you. Help us never be satisfied while others are unhoused or hungry. Thank you for all the models of people and communities working for change and empower us, O God, to use our gifts and skills and networks and hearts to collectively build your kingdom come, here on earth. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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