Friday, April 17, 2020

Minute for Mission: International Day of Farmers’ Struggles

April 17, 2020
The Northeast region is one of Nigeria’s agricultural centers, producing cereals, vegetables and livestock. However, the increasing incidence of Boko Haram violence there has devastated agricultural production in the region. People have had their property destroyed, livelihoods disrupted, and have been displaced from their ancestral homes and farmlands.
The Presbyterian Hunger Program is currently supporting work by our partner the Civil Society for Poverty Eradication (CISCOPE) to assist smallholder farmers in Northeast Nigeria to restart agricultural activities after being displaced by violent conflict. The communities supported through CISCOPE’s work are attempting to rehabilitate their agricultural activities and lives after Boko Haram militants burned down homes and fields, stole farming tools and food stocks, and raped women and girls.
On this International Day of Farmers’ Struggles, we celebrate the resiliency of smallholder farmers in Northeast Nigeria who are willing to restart their food production after losing everything even while the threat of future violence looms. And we celebrate our partner CISCOPE, whose dedicated staff are willing to risk their own safety to do this important work.
Eileen Schuhmann, Mission Specialist for International Hunger Concerns, Presbyterian Hunger Program
Let us join in prayer for: 
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Terri Bowman, Administrative Services Group (A Corp)
Debbie Braaksma, Presbyterian Mission Agency

Let us pray:

Gracious God, we pray for those who are faced with conflict and uncertainty that they may know and feel the certainty of your constant presence and love. We ask that you accompany the people of Northeast Nigeria as they work to rebuild their lives, nourish their families and re-establish peace. We pray that all your people may know your abundance and your peace. Amen.

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