Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Today in the Mission Yearbook - Christmas Eve

In gratitude for church leaders of the past, present and future

We are in the final hours of waiting in hope and expectation for the coming of Christ, who lived and walked among us, led the disciples and taught us to pray and to love God. 

Church leaders of the past, present and future have demonstrated the love of Christ. They provide us with a biblical and theological framework for understanding issues such as the Israeli and Palestinian conflict in the Middle East, the war between Ukraine and Russia, militarism, racism, climate change, the economy, immigration and human rights. Even more important, they lead us in praying for the peaceful resolution of conflicts, and they nurture our faith, which helps us live out what we say we believe.

The Menaul School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Presbyterian Pan American School in Kerrville, Texas, and Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, are Presbyterian schools equipping communities of color that help prepare individuals for leadership in the church and society. Many of the students, some of whom come from economically distressed communities, will one day serve as pastors, educators, musicians and elders and deacons of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations, military and hospital chaplains and seminary professors.

We are grateful for past leaders of the church. Many are retired church workers, who have served honorably in leadership positions and who are now in need of financial assistance.

As we await the coming of Christ, let us express our gratitude for our past, present and future church leaders by giving to the Christmas Joy Offering. Fifty percent of our gifts to the Christmas Joy Offering will provide support for the Menaul School, the Presbyterian Pan American School and Stillman College and 50% will help provide assistance for retired church workers through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions. Let us give generously.

Vince Patton, Ruling Elder, Louisville

Let us join in prayer for:

  • Monica Buonincontri, Vice President, Marketing & Communications, Board of Pensions
  • Cherrie Burch, Senior Accounting Clerk, Presbyterian Foundation

Let us pray:

Creator God, we give thanks for Jesus and for the church leaders of the past, present and future, who inspire us to grow closer to you and to live out our faith. May we use what we learn to proclaim your love and peace in the world. In the name of the Christ, who lived and walked among us, we pray. Amen.

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