Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Pastor's Life - Simply Begin Again

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Simply Begin Again
by Rev. Mihee Kim-Kort

One of the best parts of a minister’s package is the line item for “professional expenses” and the ability to get a magazine or newspaper subscription or the latest preaching or worship resource. These days it’s easy—maybe, too easy—to find resources for anything for ministry—everything from spiritual practices like around self-care, worship books for liturgy, ready-made packages for curriculum for children and youth, making administration less agonizing, and learning about the usefulness of the enneagram for one’s organization. So many wonderful people are sharing from the depth of their own lives and experiences. It’s hard not to one-click buy-now everything.     

But my impulse to collect all the Substacks, books and resources stems, I think, a little from anxiety. It’s a little bit of trying to keep up with the Jones albeit in a much less competitive, one-upping kind of way, and a lot of simply and constantly wondering am I doing enough? Am I trying hard enough? Am I continuing to grow and develop as a pastor? Four years into this particular call I am beginning to wonder what it means to do this work in a truly sustainable way. 

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Kim-Kort, Mihee

Rev. Mihee Kim-Kort is co-pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis, Maryland along with her spouse Rev. Dr. Andrew Kort. She has written and published for various venues, including Time Magazine, Huffington Post, Christian Century, and Sojourners, and she is the author of Outside the Lines: How Embracing Queerness Will Transform Your Faith (Fortress Press, 2018) and co-author with Andrew of Yoked: Stories of a Clergy Couple in Marriage, Family, and Ministry (Rowman and Littlefield, 2014). Previously, Kim-Kort has served as associate pastor for College Hill Presbyterian Church in Easton, Pa. (2006-2011), and United Presbyterian Church in Flanders, N.J. (2005-2006). She was director and co-founder of the UKirk Campus Ministry program at Indiana University from 2012-2017.

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Stages toward discipleship

"The familiar story of Peter’s confession of Christ can be read as a journey toward discipleship in four stages: repetition, confession, correction, discipleship." This is the focus of the September Lectionary Preview by Rev. Dr. Kevin Park.

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Stewardship Navigator

As the traditional stewardship season approaches, we encourage you to use the Stewardship Navigator to find tools and resources for planning not only this stewardship season but for an annual campaign for next year.

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