Friday, July 5, 2024

The Voice of the Martyrs - You can help Christians driven from their homes.

An aunt took in Fanueli and Georgine's three orphaned children
Islamists Ordered Their Father to Stop Sharing the Gospel
Today, we invite you to read the story of Fanueli, a devoted teacher who fearlessly shared the gospel, and learn how you can help serve our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters fleeing radical Islamists.

Fanueli Kambale loved teaching about Jesus. He worked as a schoolteacher and also gave Bible lessons to children who lived near his farmland. Militants with the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) noticed Fanueli’s gospel teaching. They ordered him to stop — twice — and warned him they would kill him if he continued. But Fanueli would not stop sharing God’s Word.

When ADF soldiers caught him teaching the children Bible lessons for a third time, they murdered him in front of his wife, Georgine, and their 3-year-old son, Andre. Militants then took Georgine hostage but released her a short time later.

The family’s garden was their main source of food, but Georgine was afraid to return there, fearing another attack. Soon, though, she decided she had to return so she could feed her children. When she arrived at the garden plot, militants confronted her. “We told you not to come,” eyewitnesses heard them tell Georgine. “We already killed your husband; now we are killing you also.” And they did.

An aunt took in Fanueli and Georgine’s three orphaned children but has struggled to care for them on her own. With VOM’s help, she’s expanded her sewing business into a training school, and the extra income provides for their needs.

The Voice of the Martyrs is serving tens of thousands of Christians, like Fanueli and Georgine’s three orphaned children, driven from their homes and villages because of their faith in Christ. You can join in this effort today.

We invite you to help Christians like those forced to flee from radical Islamists in the DRC. Your gift will provide basic necessities like soap, blankets, food, shelter, medical supplies and Bibles.


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