Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ministry Matters - The church family? | The church's midlife crisis

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The church family?

The church family?

by Allen Stanton


When we moved to a new city, my family and I quickly embraced the rhythms of our new location. My oldest daughter fell into the culture of a new school, our youngest started new a new preschool without missing a beat, my wife and I dove into our new jobs, and our family found new spots to spend time together. Finding a new church was important, but it was a daunting task. We spent most Sundays instead at whatever church I was guest preaching at or consulting with. Read here

The church's midlife crisis

The church's midlife crisis

by Kellen Roggenbuck


We're facing a crisis of identity, purpose, and relevance. But before panic sets in, let me assure you, there's hope. This midlife crisis isn't the end of the road. It's a chance to rediscover who we are and what we're called to be. It’s in the name—midlife. We have so much vitality ahead if we can make the shift. Read here

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