Saturday, December 10, 2022

Advent Unwrapped: Do They Know It's Christmas?✨

Do They Know It's Christmas?

Regretful nostalgia, is the best way I can describe my discomfort and love of Band Aid’s, "Do They Know It’s Christmas?." I grew up with this song (alongside “We are the World.") I remember watching the videos on Much Music (Canada’s MTV) while crafting with my sister and singing cheesy arrangements at school concerts. The words always bothered me, but I figured it was because I didn’t understand them. What I did not understand then was how racism worked. Racism allows a bunch of ultra-rich people (whom I loved) to refer to a continent almost three times that of Europe as if it were a country. Racism makes Bono belting “well tonight, thank God it’s them instead of you” sound altruistic (isn’t he amazing for thinking about ‘them’) instead of grossly othering. I cringe at my love for this song, encouraged by the words of Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” I think I am ready to lovingly retire it. I have learned better.

What I have learned most of all is that systems of oppression are very effective in the affected areas of my life.
 The "Christmas Season" (in the non-liturgical sense) intentionally hits us in the feels, so being critical and sometimes letting go of beloved Christmas traditions (movies, songs, hymns, rituals) is difficult, even when we know they are oppressive.

I hope that in the new world, our love for each other would always outweigh our love of a memory.

In Case You Missed It...

Then Let Us SING Live event

A few weeks ago the Then Let Us Sing! Development committee hosted a conversation on racism in music in English and French. In it, Catherine McLean, chair of the Education, Justice and Ethos committee posted these six questions to help us be proactive in our music selection:
  1. What makes you cringe?
  2. How might my/our affection for a carol be more selfish than community-minded?
  3. Is there anyone being diminished in this carol?
  4. Is this piece diminishing Jewish heritage or fetishing poverty & race?
  5. Examine the light-dark imagery.
  6. How does this old story become fresh?
  7. What is the heritage of the carol – pick one and look up who wrote it and why?

Some Musical Resources:

If you rely on recorded music for your Sunday services, there are lots of great resources available from many communities of faith.

Please make sure to reach out and seek permission from creators and performers before using their videos in your own worship services, with the exception of anything from The United Church of Canada and The United Church of Christ’s official YouTube channels (these are intended for Congregational Use), and to follow copyright laws and practices when duplicating or sharing any content that is not original to you.
  • A special thanks to The Journey Band of St. Mary’s Road United Church who sent a copy of their new CD Box Set, “A Year in the Life of Faith” with several Advent songs and hymns at the beginning.
  • The Aujourd’hui Credo YouTube channel has over 160 songs available.
  • If you are looking for more information on a favorite hymn or carol a great place to start your search is with an online comprehensive index of hymns and hymnals.
  • The United Methodist Church also has excellent weekly musical resources, including the beloved series of blogs “the History of Hymns.”
[Video Still: The United Church of Canada]

New This Week...

Gingerbread Cookies
I continue to wait with you,

[Image credit: Courtesy of Alydia Smith]

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