Thursday, December 16, 2021

Today in the Mission Yearbook - Teen serves church ‘Cookies and Milk’

13-year-old Girl Scout sponsors coffee hour for her church

December 16, 2021

Danica McCardle hosted a “Cookies and Milk” coffee hour for her church. Kathy McCardle

Danica McCardle’s grandmother’s favorite proverb is “Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray.” It seems 13-year-old Danica is being trained in the faith well. Presbyterians Today talked with the Girl Scout, who wants to someday be a paleontologist, about God, servanthood and the Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies that were part of the “Cookies and Milk” coffee hour she hosted at West Nottingham Presbyterian Church in Colora, Maryland.

PT: Tell me about this idea. Danica: It was Girl Scout cookie selling time. Gammy thought it would be a great way for Donovan, my little sister, and myself to serve our church family and help my scout troop as well.

What was involved in planning it? Donovan and I shopped for decorations. We decorated the fellowship hall the day before. We served almost 50 boxes of Girl Scout cookies along with milk. We also had coffee and tea just in case people preferred that.

How did the church members react? One woman commented that it made her feel young, like when she used to have cookies and milk as a snack when she was a child.

What was the congregation’s favorite cookie? The favorites seemed to be anything chocolate. Everyone seemed to really have a sweet tooth.

Would you like to host coffee hour again? I enjoyed planning and serving for the congregation and will do it again as soon as we are able. It is a way to feel connected with others in the church.

Your next Girl Scout project involves a butterfly garden in the church cemetery. What do you like about being part of a church? I really like the intergenerational part of church. Everyone of every age is included in pretty much everything the church does. It is a place I can be myself and a place to help me learn who I can become.

Donna Frischknecht Jackson, Editor, Presbyterians Today

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Tina Finley, Accounting Clerk, Central Receiving Services, Administrative Services Group (A Corp)
Rob Fohr, Director, Faith-Based Investing & Corporate Engagement, Compassion, Peace & Justice, Presbyterian Mission Agency

Let us pray

Mighty God, we rejoice with the Spirit in your gift of salvation. Your promises to us are great. Your blessings have been extended through many generations and will continue for many more to come. Thank you for your everlasting grace. Amen.

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