Sunday, February 14, 2021

Minute for Mission: Health Awareness and Day of Prayer for Healing and Wholeness

 February 14, 2021

On this Health Awareness and Day of Prayer for Healing and Wholenessit seems clear that most people who read this will have been acutely aware of their own health and that of their loved ones and indeed, perfect strangers, as we have navigated the COVID-19 pandemic in the past 11 months. The challenges posed by the restrictions and practices we have followed have brought far-reaching and long-lasting changes to nearly every aspect of our individual and communal lives. Issues of racial and economic injustice have demanded our attention and action. As a result, we have been lifting up prayers for healing and wholeness for a world that has known trauma and loss as we seek to carry on and support one another in the midst of this time of heartache and brokenness.

On this day, please consider creating some time to reflect on your own health and healing. In this time, be fully present to what your body, mind and spirit might be saying to you. Name what is hard and challenging and acknowledge any losses you have sustained. Listen deeply and ask yourself if it would be helpful to find someone to listen to you, such as a friend, colleague or perhaps a spiritual companion or mental health professional.

Recognizing loss and hardship and seeking assistance in fostering our health and wholeness can be accompanied by naming the positive and uplifting aspects of our lives, including our faith and all life-giving relationships. Cultivating a habit of gratitude for these gifts can increase our sense of well-being as we live into the hope of Christ.

Kathy Riley, Associate for Emotional and Spiritual Care, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Let us join in prayer for: 

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Barry Creech, Presbyterian Mission Agency
Jayne Culp, Office of the General Assembly

Let us pray:

God of all Creation, we know your will is for us to live in harmony and wholeness. As we continue to serve you, help us remember to offer ourselves the kindness, patience and gentleness we give to others. Amen.

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