Monday, March 13, 2023

Earth Care Devotion for Third Sunday in Lent

March 12, 2023
By Courtney Bowen
John 4:5-42
            “Living water” does not describe our water.  Water in many places, thanks to pollution and runoff, cannot support life at all.  It’s the opposite of living water.  It’s deadly water.

            Jesus says to the woman of Samaria, “If you knew the gift of God … you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”  Do we know a gift from God when it’s in front of us?  Do we, like the woman, fail to recognize it?

            We have not well-tended to the gift from God of water.  But, we are not without hope.  Change is possible. 

            Initially, the woman is confused and mocks Jesus (“Are you greater than our ancestor Jacob?”).  Yet, the woman is able to move forward, see more clearly, and even asks Jesus for this “living water.” Jesus proceeds to tell her everything she’s ever done.  There’s no mention of sin or judgment of those actions.  There is only the revelation that Jesus knows her entirely.  And in being known by Jesus, the woman begins to understand who he is - the Messiah.  It is in knowing Jesus and being known by Jesus, that the woman experiences the life-giving gift, the living water of Christ. She is changed and rushes to the village to share the good news with others.

            How might we be changed by Christ?  In knowing him and being known by him, might we be more cognizant of gifts from God?  Might that knowing, that relationship, change how we live and treat God’s gifts - not turning them deadly, but ensuring that we and others may experience that “spring of water gushing up to eternal life?”
God of Living Waters, help us to know you, and in that knowing become channels of your gifts to the world. Amen.
Courtney Bowen is Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, TN (a certified Earth Care Congregation of the PCUSA). 
Please consider promoting the PEC devotions in your church and consider using them in sermon preparation and teaching lectionary Bible groups.

The Lenten Devotional was made possible by the volunteers contributing their devotions as well as financial donations that covered the cost of recruiting contributors, editing, laying out, web posting and promotion online, by email and social media.  Your donation towards our work is needed and appreciated.  You can give online through our secure website or by mail to PEC Treasurer, P.O. Box 8041, Prairie Village, KS 66208.
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