Monday, February 27, 2023

Earth Care Devotion for First Sunday in Lent

February 26, 2023

By Barbara Hassall

 Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7

In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth; God separated the light from the darkness; created all living things and placed Man and Woman in the Garden to care for all of creation. God looked at this and declared it Good!

It was all in harmony. Death was not part of the equation until Mankind was misled and succumbed to their own pride and violated the only prohibition given by God. They ate the forbidden fruit and evil entered their lives and they would now die. Even God’s beautiful creation began to feel the effects of death.

As we enter the Season of Lent, a season of repentance and self-reflection, we look at our personal responsibility to the creation that God placed in our care so many generations ago. It isn’t so much a time of “giving up” a favorite food or activity. It is a time to learn and put into action practices that will lead us toward a restoration of the harmony with God’s creation that was lost through disobedience and pride.

As we move toward the Celebration of Resurrection and Restoration think about some practical actions to bring the earth back into harmony. Do simple things such as turning off the water when brushing your teeth, turning off lights when you leave a room, plant broad leaf tress to increase the canopy, invest in clean energy and care for God’s creatures with love and compassion.

God wants and desires the relationship with Mankind that we lost so long ago. Take the steps to move closer to God and be bathed in God’s smile and grace as we honor His son.
Prayer: Creator God, who created all things, bless your creations and restore harmony for generations to come.
Barbara Hassall is a Ruling Elder at The Sanctuary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida; the President of the Florida Presbyterian Disaster assistance Network, former Presbytery Moderator of Tropical Florida and a Commissioner to the 225th General Assembly.
Please consider promoting the PEC devotions in your church and consider using them in sermon preparation and teaching lectionary Bible groups.

The Lenten Devotional was made possible by the volunteers contributing their devotions as well as financial donations that covered the cost of recruiting contributors, editing, laying out, web posting and promotion online, by email and social media.  Your donation towards our work is needed and appreciated.  You can give online through our secure website or by mail to PEC Treasurer, P.O. Box 8041, Prairie Village, KS 66208.
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