Sunday, September 12, 2021

Minute for Mission: Christian Formation Celebration Week

September 12, 2021

Children tie prayer ribbons to their church’s railing as part of First Presbyterian Church’s drive-through rally a year ago in Columbus, Georgia. (Photo by Danny Dieth)

Heading into the 2021/2022 church program year holds many questions, anxieties and hopes for new beginnings and new ways of gathering. Faith formation is the heart of our communities, and we are beginning to live into exploring how formation happens in a variety of contexts. Leaders are equipping households to deepen their faith lives, making changes in our communal worship services to be inclusive of all ages and stages, facilitating opportunities for authentic intergenerational relationships and recognizing that service and leadership are also significant in how our faith is formed. Christian education is happening whether we still have that dedicated hour of program or not! It is happening online, in person, out of the building, in homes and in pews and classrooms. It is happening because our Christian educators, youth leaders, elders, pastors and church members are trying new things and reminding us that we can do hard things. Let us celebrate and pray for those who are leading us into new expressions of our faith and life together as Christian community!

Each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift.

The gifts God gave were that some would be apostles,

some prophets, some evangelists,

some pastors and teachers,

to equip the saints for the work of ministry,

for building up the body of Christ.

As members, deacons, elders, and pastors,
we build up the body of Christ.

As teachers and learners, mentors and peers,
we build up the body of Christ.

As leaders and helpers, staff and volunteers,
we build up the body of Christ.

As children, youth, and adults,
we build up the body of Christ.

With stories and songs, with words and actions,
we build up the body of Christ.

In worship and service, discipleship and fellowship,
we build up the body of Christ.

At church, at home, at work, and at play,
we build up the body of Christ.

In the sanctuary or streets, creation or classroom,
we build up the body of Christ.

In times of celebration and seasons of struggle,
we build up the body of Christ.

Through the day, the week, the year, and throughout our lives,
we build up the body of Christ.

All for the sake of the world God loves,

Stephanie Fritz, Mission Coordinator for Christian Formation, Presbyterian Mission Agency

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Julie Tonini, Director of Production, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
Joel Townsend, IT Help Desk Specialist, Administrative Services Group (A Corp)

Let us pray

God of all generations, teach us to speak your truth in love and help us to grow as Christ’s body, all knit together by your Holy Spirit. Build us up in faith, hope and love, so that we may be faithful witnesses to your saving work in the world, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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