Saturday, July 3, 2021

Medical Missions Live - July 6 | MBF

Live International COVID-19
and Ministry Updates
Dear Ministry Partner,

Tuesday, July 6th, join us for Medical Missions Live for updates from Kenya, Haiti, DR Congo and Malawi on the current impact of the COVID-19 virus and how your ministry has been affected as a whole. You will get a snapshot of each country’s level of need and milestones that are being accomplished despite the difficulties of this year. 

This conversation will include an important announcement that you do not want to miss. We look forward to you connecting with us live via Zoom or on Facebook Live on Tuesday, 7/6/2021 at 5 pm PDT/7 pm CDT/8 pm EDT. If you choose to view with Zoom you will need to pay attention to both the login and the passcode included for you below.  

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E. Andrew Mayo 
President and CEO 
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: July 6, 2021, 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: MBF Anniversary Update

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode 966424
We have a YouTube Channel
Over the past year, we have compiled a library of authors, CEOs, pastors and doctors who have a unique medical mission perspective through their education and experience. We recently created an MBF YouTube channel where we share thoughts from authors like Bob Lupton and Peter Greer about their perspectives on how missions are changing as we move into the 21st century. We have interviewed mission leaders, including Dr. Mike Chupp, CMDA, Ted Esler, Missio Nexus, and Dr. John Crouch, In His Image about their views on medical ministry challenges. It can all be found here for your viewing and shared with your churches and committees as the library expands. 
Partners in Hope & Healing
9555 W. Sam Houston Pkwy South, Suite 170 Houston, TX 77099
1.800.547.7627 | |

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