Thursday, January 16, 2025

God's Mission Our Gifts: Your February Mission and Service Stories and more!

Did You Miss It?


2024 has ended, and if you gave in 2024 to Mission and Service, you have fed hungry children, sheltered the homeless and provided comfort to refugees. Thank you for your generosity!
Because of the Canada Post strike, many didn’t receive our Christmas mailing and missed the opportunity to be part of this work. If you have not given yet, but still want to, please join us and support those most in need.
Give Now
As 2025 begins, we are looking forward to continuing to feed the hungry, help the homeless, and give comfort to refugees. The United Church of Canada, through Mission and Service, is helping so many within Canada and around the world. And you can be a part of the thousands who are making this happen.
There are many ways to give. You can use the link above, or you can call us at

You can even make an e-transfer to Whatever method you choose, please know that we are deeply grateful.
Happy New Year to you, and may your 2025 be all you pray for.

Your February Mission and Service Stories

February 2
A Classroom of Care

Teacher from Ukraine teaching from a paper on a partical boards
[Image credit: Simon Chambers/ACT Alliance]
In Sambir, Ukraine, English teacher Ilona is encouraging her learners to enjoy the aspect of social time with one another while learning English, in a class supported by Mission and Service partner ACT Alliance.

February 9
Farming Against the Odds

 Goat Farm in India’s Badabasko village, and farmer Jaiprakash Paharia
[Image credit: Tearfund Canada]
Thank you for supporting our Mission and Service partners as they provide people around the world with the tools and understanding to sustain themselves as they walk toward the future. With newfound stability, they can secure their livelihoods and look ahead with hope.

February 16
When Faith Meets Understanding

Rift Valley of Kenya, grandmothers
[Image credit: World Council of Churches Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy]
In the Rift Valley of Kenya, grandmothers whose children have died of AIDS are often left alone to care for their grandchildren. To add insult to injury, their church community condemns them, leaving them without support as they raise their grandchildren. In partnership with the United Church of Canada, Mombo and Pauline Wanjuru of St. Paul’s University in Limuru, Kenya, invited grandmothers and pastors to connect and learn from each other.

February 23
Hope in Action

Child in Syria in a shelter getting basic needs like blankets, and supplies 
[Image credit: Middle East Council of Churches]
After the immediate shock of a disaster fades, hope is a powerful force that gives us the motivation to move forward. Two years after the February 2023 earthquakes, people in Syria are still experiencing the devastating aftermath, exacerbated by civil war and other natural disasters. And Mission and Service partner the Middle East Council of Churches continues to be hard at work providing hope.

The 2025 Mission and Service goal-setting form is here!

Are you making plans for the Centennial year? We can help. The 2025 goal-setting form is new and improved – and ready to go whenever you are!
Questions? Email Mission and Service or call us at 1-800-465-3771.

Congregational Stewardship/Generosity

This is your resource to help you grow generous disciples and gather the resources you need to do God’s mission. Please modify and use these ideas in your context.

The proof is in…

Our United Church stewardship program, Called to Be the Church: The Journey, really makes a difference. 

Dublin Street United Church, Guelph, ON 

After completing Stewardship Best Practices, they held a 3-week giving program. Both regular and PAR donations are up and they report they’re $60,000 better than last year. Their 2024 average monthly PAR giving is up over $400 compared to 2023. They also sent out personal thank-you notes to new and increasing donors, and feel these efforts were well received by both congregation and leadership. Where they’ve really seen growth, though, is in the way that individual committees and groups of the church are integrating stewardship into their activities and are excited to do so.  

First Pastoral Charge, Bathurst, NB 

After completing Getting Started in Stewardship and Bequests and Estate Giving, they received five planned gifts in 2023. So far in 2024, two individuals have updated their wills and included First United, and one other person is exploring a planned gift. 

St. John's United Church, Sechelt, BC

After completing Stewardship Best Practices, a team has started looking at how they talk about money, who engages in data analysis and conversations of personal generosity, and are rethinking how they want to celebrate the gifts in their community. They have already felt cultural shifts and are hopeful that the work they are undertaking will also increase donations.  

What are you waiting for?

You can find more information and register for upcoming 2025 courses at CHURCHx. 
For more information on these and other stewardship supports, contact

Stewardship Seconds (Updated for January- June 2025) 

Short, pithy sayings that pack a punch, to help infiltrate stewardship thinking into your community of faith. Add them to newsletters, worship, announcements, webpages, wherever people gather!  Find them at the Stewardship in Worship webpage.  

Offering Introductions and Dedication Prayers (Updated for January- June 2025) 

The offering time in worship is NOT about collecting money! It is about growing generous disciples and stewards. These Offering Introductions, and Dedication Prayers, for each Sunday of the year, will help. Find them at the Stewardship in Worship webpage

Get the Stewardship Support You Need

The people and resources to help you succeed are here.

Dave and Glenn Need Help!

This is your last chance to help us shape the future of God’s Mission, Our Gifts. Just take two minutes and fill out our survey!

And as always, if you have a question for Glenn and Dave, you can send it to us on our handy form. You’ll get an answer by email or in the next issue of God’s Mission, Our Gifts, or both (your choice). And if your question stumps us, we may even collaborate!

Mission and Service Volunteers

What do you feel called to do? There’s a place for you!
Mission and Service volunteers are people who are ready to spread the word about the great work that’s being done by the United Church of Canada through Mission and Service. They can choose the work they want to do and the amount of time they are able to spend.
It’s easy to take the next step to become a Mission and Service volunteer. Just call us at 1-800-465-3771 or email us at

GOD’S MISSION, OUR GIFTS is your newsletter. We want to provide news and information that you can use in your community of faith, whether you’re a minister, a board member, an administrator, a treasurer, or anyone else who wants to make a difference.
What else would you like to see? What can we do to help your community of faith get where it needs to go? Send us your thoughts!
Your generosity enables the United Church to love, serve, and minister in the world. Make an online donation or learn more about your options to support the work of the church. 
Copyright © 2025 The United Church of Canada, All rights reserved.

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Dr. Dom Packer Dr. Dom Packer , who teaches psychology at Lehigh University and is associate vice president for research, recently led an in...