Friday, January 19, 2024

Christian Counselor Directory - Business and Careers from a Christian Perspective: Weekend Seed Thought

Christian Counselor

Seed Thought for this Week
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Business and Careers from a Christian Perspective 

I admit that there are successful businesses and careers that have little or nothing to do with being a Christian; they are monetarily successful because they practice and encourage mutual trust, fiscal responsibility, and fair value. Of course, these same business practices are also necessary for a Christian to have a successful businesses and career. Yet, there are some more principles and practices that help us manage our careers and businesses from a Christian perspective that are worth thinking about. 

We should give our businesses and careers to God. When we trust God we will receive help from God. Jesus helped his disciples feed 5,000 hungry families. These were those that had been following Jesus to hear him teach. The disciples ask Jesus to send them into a near by town so they could find something to eat.  Jesus let the disciples know they did not need to go searching for food. Jesus asked the disciples if they had any food. The disciples said that they only had five loaves of bread and two fishes. Knowing that it was clearly not enough, they said “what are these among so many?” Jesus asked them to bring the fishes and the loaves to Him. Jesus blessed the bread. Miraculously the five loaves of bread were transformed into enough bread to feed everyone. God multiplies our efforts when we depend on him. It’s really that simple. 

Secondly, we must give God what we have and stop worrying about what we don’t have or can’t do. We do our best and we let God do the rest. That’s how it works. The disciples needed to learn this lesson. The disciples asked Jesus what are these (the fishes and loaves) among so many. They focused on what they didn’t have, not what they could have when God is part of the equation. Jesus taught the disciples that God can do much with little! The disciples gave what they had. That’s all that was required of them. That’s all that is required of us.

Finally, we must get started. So many business and career minded people never reach their potential because they wait for everything to line up perfectly before they take even one step in the right direction. The inclination for perfection and inordinate preplanning has kept a lot of talented and gifted people from even getting started. Jesus instructed the disciples to pass out the food. While they were passing out the bread, it multiplied in their hands! So let’s get started! Not only will we move things forward, the psychological value of working through the process and actually accomplishing our goals are nearly the same; the activities of attaining and the finalities of attainment are at equally rewarding.

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 Seed Thoughts Sponsored by:
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