Thursday, April 6, 2023

Earth Care Devotion for Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday
April 6, 2023

By Carolyn Winfrey Gillette and Bruce Gillette
John 13:34-35

Jesus calls for us to love as he loves us.  This is not the “Golden Rule,” but the “Platinum Rule”—love that is very costly.  We need to love others, including by caring for God’s creation that benefits everyone.  It is a real challenge, but as we share in the Lord’s Supper, we are strengthened so we can love God, neighbors and creation.

O God, You Give Us Grapes and Grain
ELLACOMBE ("I Sing the Mighty Power of God”)
O God, you give us grapes and grain; you give us salt and oil.
You bless us with refreshing rain and sun — and rich, dark soil.
And so your care for all these things means we can be well-fed.
Creation praises you and sings — as you give wine and bread.
You sent us Christ, who walked the fields and saw your love abound;
he spoke of trees and crops and yields, and growth beneath the ground.
He spoke of ordinary things like sheep and mustard seeds,
and chicks beneath their mothers' wings; Christ taught your love through these.
One day at table, Jesus prayed, and blessed the bread and wine.
These things of earth that you had made became your gift, your sign:
You love the world! You sent your Son! And now, through wine and bread,
our Lord is present once again and so your church is fed.
Your Spirit moves across the earth — the earth that you made good.
May we see your creation's worth and love it as we should.
As we now share the bread and wine, as Christ is here anew,
God, give us strength to go and care for all the earth with you.
Tune: Gesangbuch der Herzoglich Wirtembergischen Katholischen Hofkapelle, 1784
Text: Copyright © 2022 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
Email: New Hymns:
Bruce & Carolyn Winfrey Gillette are the pastors of the First Presbyterian Union Church in Owego, NY. Bruce is PEC Moderator.  Carolyn is a hymn writer.
Please consider promoting the PEC devotions in your church and consider using them in sermon preparation and teaching lectionary Bible groups.

The Lenten Devotional was made possible by the volunteers contributing their devotions as well as financial donations that covered the cost of recruiting contributors, editing, laying out, web posting and promotion online, by email and social media.  Your donation towards our work is needed and appreciated.  You can give online through our secure website or by mail to PEC Treasurer, P.O. Box 8041, Prairie Village, KS 66208.
Copyright © 2023 Presbyterians for Earth Care, All rights reserved.
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Prairie Village, KS 66208

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